Agora Gallery New York, Robert Vigo:

“In the tradition of André Breton’s “pure psychic automatism,” Danish artist Kristine Gade Hansen utilizes the technique of spontaneous juxtapositioning to create her poetic artwork. The result is a body of work that is, in a word, enigmatic. Exploiting various materials, Hansen combines fragments of color, shape, texture, and the written word to configure what she herself describes as, “graceful portraits of a concept or theme.” Her most recent collection demonstrates a preoccupation with, “the meeting”. While Hansen’s fascination with line and structure introduces some semblance of control to her work, her interest in the idea of interception reintroduces the elements of chance, spontaneity, and surprise. The meetings Hansen captures visually represent the prosaic encounters of the everyday. The success of Hansen’s iconography, and with it, her oeuvre, lies in her union of the banal with the prophetic. Through the introduction of stream of conscious meditations to her work, Hansen transforms the verbal and visual from the enigmatic to the spiritual. Initially Kafkaesque in existential content, the resultant outcome are pieces resonant with propitious affirmation. Hansen reflects this belief not only in her artwork but in her actions as well. “

Erin Siegal, New York: 

Anmeldelse, Erin Segal


Udstilling Agora Gallery New York

Udstilling i New York …

Udstilling i New York

Udstilling i New York …

PROFILE Kristine Gade Hansen Born 1968 in Aarhus · 1995 – 2000 Certified textile designer from the Design School of Kolding · 1990 – 1993 Certified teacher of textile craftmanship on Skals Haandarbejdsseminarium I have since receiving diploma from the Design School of Kolding worked full time as an artist, interior designer & teacher. As an artist I exhibit my works, both as exclusive artist as well as together with other artists. I do commissioned work and teach courses in painting and mindfulness Further, I work with related projects. In the year of 2006 I have been so lucky to have exhibitions abroad in New York, in Italy & Sweden.


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