How to pay and order
At you can find several work of art. There are two methods to order art at webshop. Both payment method is trough paypal payment processor.
Payment method one:
step 1: At the menu bar choose ‘product Page’, choose a piece of art and read the detail information. Below you find a buy now button, click on it to buy.
Step2 : After you have pressed the buy now button you are lead to a secure payment server (https/ssl) at paypal.
If you choose to pay with creditcard click ‘continue’ ( as picture below)
Step 3: Then you just need to fill in your personal informations.
If you have a paypal account just login to your paypal account and procces the payment.
Payment method two:
Go to gallery one ‘Art to buy’, and check out the art products and press the buy now button, and from here as described in payment method one step 2